Peru Royal Mining SAC

16 de enero de 2023


10月24日,日本住友株式会社原料采购部门OGAKI经理及日本住友株式会社秘鲁分公司负责人在Trujillo 会见了我公司董事长CHARLES Li及公司副总裁兼销售总经FANNY范晓清女士。 会见期间,秘鲁皇家矿业公司董事长CHARLES Li先生向OGAKI经理介绍了秘鲁皇家矿业公司的无烟煤的生产和销售情况,以及公司的四级质量质量管理体系。OGAKI经理向CHARLES Li董事长介绍了他们的需求,以及他们对产品质量的要求。双方就彼此的合作意向达成共识,从2023年3月开始,日本住友株式会社将向秘鲁采购无烟煤产品,秘鲁皇家矿业公司的高品质无烟煤将成为他们在秘鲁采购的首选。
12 de enero de 2023

Value of mining exports fell 10.4% in September due to lower shipments to China, Japan and South Korea

The value of mining exports (metallic and non-metallic) registered US$ 3,203 million in September, reflecting a 10.4% decrease compared to the same month of 2021, as […]
12 de enero de 2023

Southern regions received more than S/ 5,077 million for canons and mining royalties until November

The transfer of resources generated by mining activity to the regional and local governments of the Southern Macroregion, which include the mining canon, legal and contractual […]
12 de enero de 2023

Strategic resources under siege

The headline of the special report of December 19, “Energy under siege”, from the supplement “Day 1″ of El Comercio points out that mining is no […]


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